- The House and the Senate are mad at each other. The Senate is mad that the House is passing too many bills, and the House is mad that the Senate is incapable of action on anything. Freshman Democrat Gerry Connolly: "When the word spread last night [the Senate] had already adjourned, people were astounded, stunned." Happy recess!
- What do the media expect President Obama to do about the oil spill that he's not currently doing? Caring and emoting. Just, you know, take it really seriously, in front of their cameras!
- Human Rights Campaign hired a Republican pollster to convince Scott Brown to support the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Then they revealed the results of that poll, and now the Republican pollster is mad that people think he took dirty gay money from dirty gay people.
- "Does Washington care about unemployment?" No.
- BP hired former Cheney aide Anne Womack-Kolton to be their new spokeswoman. Also working on crisis management for BP is former Human Rights Campaign and RIAA head and DC power-lesbian and Huffington Post blogger Hilary Rosen!
- New York Times political reporter Matt Bai doesn't understand political science and apparently doesn't read any liberal bloggers.
- According to Matt Drudge, the people whose boat was boarded by commandos while they were in international waters were, in fact, the aggressors, and the people boarding said boat, from a helicopter, were the victims of a terrible attack. (The sad thing is that that is basically expected from people like Matt Drudge. It is a little more depressing to hear it from "liberals" like Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer.)
Tuesday link dump: BP's PR
Drudge blames the victims, BP makes big hires, a journalist is wrong about things, and Scott Brown's gay poll
By Alex Pareene
Published June 1, 2010 11:01PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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