- The best part of this Sue Lowden ad against Nevada's Tea Party Senate candidate Sharron Angle is the picture of Tom Cruise at 20 seconds in.
- Joe Biden gave a depressing statement on the Israeli flotilla raid.
- Contrary to her own statement, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's dad did not die fighting the Nazi regime in Germany. Unless "the Nazi regime in Germany" is her name for "lung cancer."
- The sad Washington Times fired longtime reporter Julia Duin for telling the Washington Post about the snake in the Times newsroom.
- The Vanity Fair profile of Sally Quinn is, indeed, hilarious.
- PACs are pretty much just slush funds.
- The readers of The Corner can't really decide if they find professional wrestling morally repulsive or if they love it because a Republican is in charge of it.
- Is Newsmax going to buy Newsweek? Probably not, but it would be pretty funny.
- Disgraced gay sex-having drug-using pastor Ted Haggard has a new church, and gay people are welcome!
- This is a heartbreaking video tribute to Alamaba's fallen heroes.
Wednesday link dump: Scientologist massages for prisoners?
Perks for cons, the deal with the flotilla, getting fired from the Moonie Times, and Ted Haggard's new church
By Alex Pareene
Published June 2, 2010 10:45PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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