Nikki Haley faces another affair rumor at debate

Haley accuses S.C. Lt. Governor Andre Bauer of planting the story, Bauer looks nonplussed

Published June 3, 2010 6:15PM (EDT)

South Carolina Republican candidates for governor, from left  Rep. Nikki Haley, R-Lexington, U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett, R-SC and Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, listen during their debate on the issues at ETV studios Monday, May 3, 2010, in Columbia, S.C.  (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)  (Mary Ann Chastain)
South Carolina Republican candidates for governor, from left Rep. Nikki Haley, R-Lexington, U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett, R-SC and Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, listen during their debate on the issues at ETV studios Monday, May 3, 2010, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain) (Mary Ann Chastain)

South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer sent out a press release yesterday announcing that he'd fired consultant Larry Marchant for "inappropriate conduct not in keeping with the goals of this campaign." That conduct: having a one-night stand with the front-runner for the GOP nomination for governor, Nikki Haley.

Marchant says the torrid one-night stand happened two years ago while they were in Utah for a romantic "school-choice convention." 

During yesterday's TV debate, Haley accused Bauer of shopping the story around and only firing Marchant in order to lend credibility to the tale. Bauer is a dim enough character that it's possible he thought he could get in on this "accusing Haley of infidelity" thing and not have it backfire.

If you need a laugh this afternoon, take a look at Bauer's face at 3:30:

Unlike blogger Will Folks, Marchant has not offered any supporting evidence for his claim, though they did work together in 2008 and they both attended the convention.

By Alex Pareene

Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at and follow him on Twitter @pareene

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