- I know the news has been pretty terrible today, for the most part, but at least there is this picture of Joe Biden, with Muppets.
- Paul Krugman's clip-and-save guide to explaining that the CRA and Fannie and Freddie didn't cause the housing crisis.
- I'm not what Bill O'Reilly was trying to say in this clip, but he ends up comparing gay people to al-Qaeda.
- Now Nikki Haley (born Nikki Randhawa, and raised a Sikh) will have to deal with the ethnic/religious pseudo-smears. She cannot catch a break!
- Former Washington Post investigative reporter Lorraine Adams: "I think Bob Woodward's capitulation to interviewing people in limousines, as opposed to people on the subway, is something I feel is partly responsible for the fact that we ended up in Iraq."
- Is Rasmussen releasing non-biased polls after the nutty ones get discredited?
- Tom Vilsack attempts to defend corn subsidies.
- National Review contributor doesn't understand "irony."
- Artur Davis is done with politics (he says).
- California's Proposition 14 would make all primary elections non-partisan free-for-alls. I'm sympathetic to arguments on both sides but California is obviously completely screwed no matter what. (TNR had a good but not entirely convincing pro-"jungle primary" piece from Michelle Cottle just last month.)
Thursday link dump: A big felting deal
Biden is a person in your neighborhood, Bill O'Reilly compares gay people to terrorists, an Bob Woodward did Iraq
By Alex Pareene
Published June 3, 2010 11:30PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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