- Why it makes a sad sort of sense for Mitt Romney to campaign for John McCain, a man who plainly hates him.
- Tom Scocca was on fire today. I look forward to his eventual senate campaign.
- "Remember where you were, when you could still laugh about teabaggers and racists and Arizonans, because funny time is almost over."
- Spencer Ackerman writes that Israel has staked its political future on the American evangelical right and business-friendly conservatives.
- GOP bigwig Fred Malek counted Jews for Richard Nixon. This happened many years ago, and he has apologized. But Dave Weigel explains why it is still a big deal.
- The Huffington Post has "cut ties" with its Washington Editor-at-Large, Hilary Rosen. Rosen, a Washington power-lobbyist, is currently doing crisis communications for BP. (Don't worry, Arianna says they still have a "great personal relationship.")
Friday link dump: Mitt for McCain
Israel's new allies, counting Jews for Nixon, and Arizona gets serious about bigotry
By Alex Pareene
Published June 4, 2010 11:01PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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