- "If sources are not mistaken, it says so right in the pledge of allegiance: one nation under God."
- The Corner's John J. Miller says O. Henry is hardly read these days because, unlike Jack London, he did not advocate a socialist revolution. The fact that London was a very fine writer and O. Henry something of a gimmicky hack does not, apparently, enter into it. These people only understand art as propaganda.
- Evan Bayh: still incredibly dishonest or dumb.
- John Podesta is joining the Ted Olsen/David Boies pro-gay marriage court challenge.
- The study about how Republicans understand economics better than Democrats was very flawed. Also, studying economics may make you more likely to be a Republican, but that's just for people who've studied it for a little while and think they know everything, not actual economists.
- Mark Kirk still making stuff up. This time about France.
- President Obama is not Spock, but Marc Ambinder is a total nerd.
- Oh no, Sarah Palin endorsed the probable next Iowa governor.
- No one outside the beltway understands why they're supposed to care about "Sestakjobgate" or whatever we're calling it.
- Haley Barbour will not close the beaches.
- And make sure to check back here all night as we follow all of the primary returns from Super Tuesday 2010.
Tuesday link dump: The needs of the many
Spock, O. Henry, Palin, and Jaws
By Alex Pareene
Published June 8, 2010 10:45PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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