- Here is a chart of what to fight for in the Financial Regulation conference committee.
- NYPD wins terrible court ruling with the old we can do anything we want because of terror! defense.
- A very good McClatchy piece on where Obama went wrong in approving the expansion of offshore drilling.
- "New York politician has insane stance on Israel" is not news, but here's Chuck Schumer being a little more honest than he meant to me while speaking to the Orthodox Union. Turns out the Gaza siege is mostly about collective punishment of a million people!
- Yes, someone at Media Matters actually had to read the Glenn Beck book.
- Here is $1 trillion we could cut from the Pentagon budget. Let's make it happen!
- Joshua Green is sorry he made Rush hate Rand Paul.
- What does a creationist biology "lab" do all day?
- Are you scared of Turkey yet? Haven't you heard that they're Muslims? Just like al-Qaeda!
- Yep, regional Tea Parties are protesting mandatory trash pickup.
- Rand Paul had a lovely interview with Sean Hannity.
- Mitch McConnell is still shutting down the government, for fun.
- Lamar(!) Alexander will solve global warming with magic.
Friday link dump: On teasing panthers
Glenn Beck's book, Chuck Schumer's honesty, and Rand Paul resurfaces on Fox
By Alex Pareene
Published June 11, 2010 10:45PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
MORE FROM Alex Pareene