Get ready, Canada -- you're getting your own Fox News Channel! Canadian media conglomerate Quebecor hired a former spokesman for the Conservative Party to launch a 24-hour cable news network. Sun News TV will launch in 2011. They have released a trailer, in case you're curious about what hardcore nationalism looks like in the world's most modest country.
Colin Horgan, Canadian, is unimpressed:
Of particular note is the use of lowest-common-denominator platitudes reflecting simplistic notions of what it means to be Canadian, like: "We look out for each other." Whatever that means? And what that has to do exactly with launching a national television network, I don't know.
Cue another clanger: "We're the true north strong and free and the greatest place on earth," set to predictable imagery of snow and lots of trees. Excuse my uh, English, but Fuck Off.
Now that they have their own Fox news, Canadians will soon be demanding that their border be sealed, to protect them from the violent and economically unstable nation to the south.