- Northrop Grumman won a five-year, $517 million contract to build "spy blimps the size of a football field." Meanwhile everyone in America is out of work and no one in Congress wants to do anything about it, because of the deficit.
- Language Log has a new post up on noted language fraud Paul Payack.
- BP's cleanup operation at the Elmer Island Wildlife Refuge is a sad joke. But there are hookers!
- House Republican leaders threatened to strip Joe Barton of his status as ranking member of the Energy Committee unless he retracted his apology to BP. They should probably strip him of his status anyway because he's completely in bed with the oil industry to a degree that should be embarrassing even to Republicans.
- Sharron Angle's still chatting with the friendly conservative press.
- The judge in the Prop 8 trial wants to know why the anti-gay marriage defendants only called one witness.
- The cafeteria in the federal courthouse where Rod Blagojevich is on trial was serving the Innocent Blago.
- We're probably stuck with Alvin Greene, guys.
Thursday link dump: Some apologies
Alvin Greene is here to stay, a giant and expensive spy blimp, Joe Barton's retraction, and the Innocent Blago
By Alex Pareene
Published June 17, 2010 10:18PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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