- An LGBT magazine in Minnesota outed a local minister as a closeted homosexual. But their methods -- they reported on his participation in a 12-step program -- are a bit questionable. Furthermore, as Tom Scocca writes, is the minister "hypocritical" if he's fighting against homosexuality in society and in himself?
- The Washington Times photoshops a turban on Elena Kagan because she is a scary evil Muslim liberal communist fascist Maoist terrorist etc. etc.
- The great Spencer Ackerman is moving to Wired's Danger Room blog.
- The owners of oil pipelines are collecting phantom income taxes that they do not actually pay. From you!
- For some reason, Politico cut a line from a story that accidentally demonstrated why so much DC journalism sucks.
- The New Republic started a blog where Dissent's Michael Kazin and the National Review's Jim Manzi criticize TNR from the left and right, respectively. So psyched!
- Our healthcare system still sucks and we are still paying a lot of money for it.
- Republicans have a demographics problem.
- Jeb Bush is ready for 2012!
Wednesday link dump: Testing the filthy, oily waters
Jeb Bush's probable campaign, a questionable outing, Elena Kagan-smearing, and odd Politico edits
By Alex Pareene
Published June 23, 2010 10:40PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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