- North Koreans actually got to watch live World Cup soccer! Until North Korea suffered a humiliating defeat. Then no one mentioned it.
- Jack Shafer has advice for people being profiled for feature stories: don't get profiled for a feature story.
- Scalia actually wrote a good opinion today!
- Here's your regular reminder that Rick Berman is a shady character.
- Rupert Murdoch went on Fox News and forced Doocey to say "undocumented immigrants" instead of "illegals."
- Dave Weigel apologized for writing a bunch of totally justified things about Matt Drudge and other tools.
- Ed Rendell presents a master class in dealing with a sex scandal rumor.
- Rand Paul will fight immigration with "an underground electric fence." No one know what the hell that means.
- Tea Partiers -- who constantly claim liberals are "infiltrating" and embarrassing them -- have acquited SEIU shirts. But... why?
- Jason Linkins criticizes some wonderful BP-sponsored "journalism."
- The American Bar Association found Elena Kagan "well qualified" -- their highest rating -- for the Supreme Court. The vote was unanimous, with one abstention. This is, I guess, "good news" for her nomination, but won't really do anything to undercut any potential Republican attack, because those attacks will not be based on "facts." The ABA has rated most recent nominees "well qualified." (Except Thomas.)
Thursday link dump: Invisible electric Kool-Aid acid fence
Rand Paul's compelling immigration idea, advice for future McChrystals, and Ed Rendell's affair defense
By Alex Pareene
Published June 24, 2010 10:45PM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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