- Jim DeMint is blocking a bill that would end the practice of secret holds in the Senate.
- Here is the sad story of an Iowa country that was pressured into dropping the word "fiesta" from this year's county fair theme.
- A great Dave Weigel piece on Megyn Kelly's gross crusade against the laughable "New Black Panther Party."
- Oh, Jerry Nadler. Cabs work differently in DC than they do in New York. But in either city, you're not allowed to leave without paying.
- Yeah, here is the worst story of the day -- the monsters who compiled a list of supposed illegal immigrants.
- Sharron Angle goes on Fox to make money.
- Is Hezbollah infiltrating the U.S. by posing as illegal immigrants? One racist dingbat who is also a duly elected member of the United States Congress says yes!
- Here are some boring words and numbers and two fun charts about extending unemployment versus repealing the estate tax.
- Violent crime is down everywhere in Arizona, except in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's county.
- Libertarian discovers that cafeterias have bad food. Surely the market would provide cheap, healthy food that children would love. It does such a great job with everyone else in America!
Wednesday link dump: Hold on
Jim DeMint demonstrates irony, Megyn Kelly scares white people, and Jerry Nadler stiffs a cabbie
By Alex Pareene
Published July 14, 2010 10:29PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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