- Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins are just so upset about these tea parties.
- Christine O'Donnell thinks homosexuality is "an identity disorder."
- Democrats looking OK in New York.
- Which anonymous source was right in his or her speculation about the Democrats' upcoming theoretical ad campaign?
- On Marty Peretz, the whiteness of the New Republic, and bigotry.
- Lindsey Graham admitted that Republicans will just blatantly exploit terror attacks for political gain, and no one cares.
- Ben Stein is still a disingenuous hack.
- Oy, there might be an American death squad in Afghanistan.
- Howard Fineman is going to join the internet! And Newsweek just bought itself Mickey Kaus. (Kaus, last year: "I used to work for [Jane] Harman and like her.")
Monday link dump: Ben Stein's money
The Maine Republicans worry, Christine O'Donnell diagnoses homosexuality, and Kaus finds a job
By Alex Pareene
Published September 20, 2010 11:01PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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