- Abortion providers are split on whether its good that Nebraska clinics will soon have to report the age of aborted fetuses.
- Scientists discover that Prozac may cure PMS -- in rats.
- The Daily Mail wonders whether "feminism has killed the art of home cooking."
- Women are fleeing Wall Street for some reason -- surely it has nothing to do with sexual harassment claims or business meetings in strip clubs.
- Looking toward the November elections, men are angry and women are despairing, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll.
- Amanda Marcotte argues: "That some feminists are enamored of Lady Gaga doesn't mean they're incapable of holding BP accountable for the oil spill, you know?"
- A 14-year-old girl in Hertfordshire, England advertises her birthday party on Facebook and, in the interest of teaching the teen a lesson (and schadenfreude), 21,000 people respond.
- In a slideshow companion to its piece about "the New Macho," Newsweek runs through examples of "old-school masculinity" on display in modern advertisements.
- Justin Bieber poses for a photo with some Hooters waitresses, and millions of tween hearts break.