Fox Democrat Doug Schoen to be special guest at GOP fundraiser

The pollster is scheduled to be a special guest at a party for one of Hannity's favorite Republican candidates

Published October 7, 2010 6:30PM (EDT)

Doug Schoen
Doug Schoen

Famed "Democratic" pollster Doug Schoen can commonly be found on Fox News explaining that Democrats are bad and wrong. Sometimes he writes op-eds with fellow "Democrat" Pat Caddell about how awful and disappointing Barack Obama is because of his constant race-baiting and class warfare. (And sometimes he writes, for Fox, that the Democratic party needs a "bold, centrist agenda that focuses on fiscal discipline ." Also Barack Obama's next chief of staff should have "tires fo the business community.")

Obviously, as a longtime, prominent Democrat, Doug Schoen is doing everything he can to help out in the upcoming midterm elections. For example: He's a special guest at a fundraiser for a congressional candidate from New York this Sunday. The candidate is Republican John Gomez. As Media Matters reports, Gomez may not be a Democrat, but he's a part of Schoen's real family: Fox News.


Schoen's Gomez event appears to be yet another appearance linked to Fox News host Sean Hannity. As Media Matters previously documented, Hannity reportedly promised New York Republican and Conservative Party leaders he would "do all he could" to promote Gomez, help him fundraise and bring in headliners for events if they gave Gomez their party nods. In September, Newsday reported that "Gomez arranged [Fox News contributor Newt] Gingrich's [fundraising] visit through childhood friend and TV host Sean Hannity." Gomez has also drawn support from Hannity pals Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Sarah Palin, and Mark Levin.

The invite refers to Schoen as a "top political strategist," and not, as Fox invariably refers to him, a "Democratic pollster."

This centrist Democrat's advice for the Democratic party can be boiled down to one bullet point: Be Republicans.

By Alex Pareene

Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at and follow him on Twitter @pareene

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