- Bill O'Reilly thought his bigoted remarks about Muslims would be well-received by Don Imus. But actually, not so much! "There's a Muslim problem in the world," O'Reilly said, because there are 1.5 billion Muslims and each and every one of them is at war with America. Don Imus, to his credit, called O'Reilly a pinhead.
- A Fox News camera crew got razzed at a Democratic meeting in Wisconsin. Politely razzed.
- A man who was recently fired from his job writes to The Corner to announce that he is sending his unemployment checks to "conservative candidates and blogs."
- A Republican state Senate candidate said something racist.
- Remember that kid who was the 18-year-old Ohio state legislator who switched parties and then got arrested for drunk driving? Now he is a grownup and he is working with Rand Paul's web designer to get Republicans elected in Santa Cruz.
Tuesday link dump: Man unconvinced by O'Reilly's logic
Fox News understands why you hate them, the world's saddest unemployed man, and people saying racist things
By Alex Pareene
Published October 26, 2010 11:01PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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