"The Daily Show" on Olbermann's suspension

Stewart: "Yes, MSNBC: It's a stupid rule, but at least it was enforced poorly"

Published November 9, 2010 2:20PM (EST)

Jon Stewart discusses Olbermann's suspension on last night's episode of "The Daily Show"
Jon Stewart discusses Olbermann's suspension on last night's episode of "The Daily Show"

On last night's episode of "The Daily Show", Stewart discussed Keith Olbermann's brief suspension from "Countdown", and also addressed critics of his Rally to Restore Sanity (he deals with Olbermann at the end of this clip):

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
MSNBC Suspends Keith Olbermann
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

By Salon Staff

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