- A good discussion of the Food Safety Modernization Act that will probably not make it out of the Senate anyway.
- It is time for serious people to take a serious stand in favor of responsibility and sacrifice, which means poor people are going to take it on the chin again.
- Even "serious," moderate Brookings has issues with the Bowles-Simpson plan.
- Government employees are still not overpaid.
- According to a CNN poll, everyone still hates Republicans.
- Fox Business just publishing barely edited press releases on their website, apparently.
- The latest victim of a James O'Keefe smear is, as usual, superior in every way to that smug little twit.
- Politico presents "10 crushworthy new Reps!"
- "The Post opinion section is not a place where serious thinkers work through the issues of the day; it's where professional propagandists float their newest lies, slogans, and unsubstantiated nonsense, to see if they can get them to bob into the political mainstream."
Monday link dump: Seizing the high ground
"Overpaid" government employees, "crushworthy Reps," and the GOP mandate
By Alex Pareene
Published November 16, 2010 12:01AM (EST)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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