Ed Schultz thinks Ann Coulter is "toxic"

The MSNBC host reacts to a controversial blog post by Coulter who claims that radiation is good for you

Published March 21, 2011 12:22PM (EDT)

Ed Schultz targeted Ann Coulter and her recent comments on radiation's positive health benefits in his "Take Down" segment on Friday night. Last week, Ann Coulter wrote a blog post about the positive health benefits of radiation and made national headlines when Bill O'Reilly scolded her on his show for the shoddy research and inappropriate timing of her incendiary claims. Schultz agreed and took the scolding to the next level saying:

A lot of people say Ann Coulter is toxic. But we had no idea that she would take that literally. You would laugh at her if she wasn't making light of a terrible tragedy.

Watch Schultz's segment in full. Note Ann Coulter's glowing green head.

By Adam Clark Estes

Adam Clark Estes blogs the news for Salon. Email him at ace@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @adamclarkestes

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