Hospital Lures Rural Doctors With Unusual Offer

Published December 31, 2011 6:36PM (EST)

ASHLAND, Kan. (AP) — A hospital in rural Kansas that didn't even have a doctor on staff and was in danger of closing has lured new employees by offering an unconventional benefit.

Officials at the Ashland Health Center and its adjacent nursing home give employees eight paid weeks off each year that they can use to do missionary work in other countries. The idea was that those willing to care for people in remote international villages would be content doing the same in a Kansas town that's more than two hours from a Starbucks.

Though the time can be used for any purpose, the hospital has advertised in Christian publications and at Catholic-run medical schools. Today, the hospital has a chief medical officer, a nursing director and other staff drawn by its mission-minded recruiting.

By Salon Staff

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