Senegal Opposition Leads Cortege To Police Station

Published January 29, 2012 8:09PM (EST)

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — Senegal's opposition leaders led a cortege of cars to the capital's central police station to protest the detention of Alioune Tine, a leading human rights activist who has been detained.

Tine was the organizer of the M23 protest Friday which turned violent after the country's top legal body validated President Abdoulaye Wade's bid for a third term. The constitution was revised after Wade took office to limit the number of terms to two.

El Hadj Diouf, a member of parliament, told reporters before the procession of cars left: "We need to go get Alioune Tine. If we don't react, those in power will prevent us from being at the forefront of our revolutionary battle."

By Salon Staff

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