Congressman Asks For Delay In Eisenhower Memorial

Published February 10, 2012 8:09PM (EST)

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Virginia congressman is asking a federal panel to reject a design for a memorial honoring President Dwight D. Eisenhower in Washington, saying the World War II general's family objects to it.

In a letter Friday to the National Capital Planning Commission, Rep. Frank Wolf said he is worried the approval process is being rushed and won't have public support.

Last month, The Associated Press reported the Eisenhower family was asking the commission to delay final approval so the memorial could be redesigned.

Architect Frank Gehry has proposed a memorial park framed by large metal tapestries depicting Eisenhower's boyhood home in Kansas. Eisenhower as military hero and president would be represented in stone on a smaller scale.


The family says the design overemphasizes "Ike's" humble roots and neglects his accomplishments.

By Salon Staff

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