Burkina Faso Fires Justice Minister Over Beating

Published February 24, 2012 2:27PM (EST)

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) — Rights groups in Burkina Faso say they welcome the firing of the country's justice minister after his bodyguards beat up a mechanic.

Burkina Faso Human and People's Rights Movement chief Chryzogone Zougmonre said late Thursday that Jerome Traore's Feb. 19 actions were an "abuse of authority." They say bodyguards beat Adama Kima after Traore's car narrowly avoided hitting him.

Traore took the post in April and will be replaced by his predecessor.

Kima's brother said Traore's removal is "a sign of good governance and the rapid reaction of the government" of the West African nation.

Last year Burkina Faso saw uprisings for months after the death of a student in police custody. The president tried to stem the unrest by dissolving the government and removing the country's security chiefs.

By Salon Staff

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