WikiLeaks chief: I've made 75 press complaints

Published April 5, 2012 11:27AM (EDT)

LONDON (AP) — WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange says he's made 75 official complaints over what he describes as shoddy reporting of his long-running extradition battle.

Assange itemized the complaints in a submission to Britain's judge-led inquiry into media ethics, which is examining the standards and practices of the country's scandal-tarred press.

Assange said in a statement released Thursday that he had been subjected to "ongoing, widespread inaccurate and negative media coverage."

He went on to list 75 complaints made to the country's press watchdog over wording that suggested he'd been charged with sex crimes in Sweden, which is seeking his extradition. Assange is accused of sex crimes, but has not been charged.

The 40-year-old Australian denies wrongdoing.



Assange's statement:

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