Romney deriding Biden

Mitt Romney said Biden's 'back in chains' remark signals an "angry and desperate" presidency

Published August 15, 2012 12:17AM (EDT)

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says Vice President Joe Biden's comment that Republicans would put voters "back in chains" is a sign of an "angry and desperate" presidency.

Romney plans to tell voters Tuesday night in Chillicothe, Ohio, that the vice president's comments represent an "outrageous charge" that disgraces the office of the presidency.

Biden made the comments earlier in the day in Danville, Va., while saying that Republicans want to deregulate Wall Street — or, as Biden put it, to "'unchain Wall Street."

Hundreds of black people were in the audience when Biden added, "They're going to put y'all back in chains."

During a stop in Wytheville, Va., Biden said he meant to say "unshackled," but he did not apologize. Instead, he mocked the Romney campaign for its outrage.

By Associated Press

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