Relive the DNC through animated gifs

The most memorable moments of the Democratic National Convention in gifs and other media

Published September 7, 2012 7:48PM (EDT)

Day 1

The DNC kicked off the first night with a tribute to the late Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, Romney's former opponent.

Gifs from last night via

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was not impressed:

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Around 9 p.m., the actor Kal Penn took the stage. He ended his speech like this:


"Before I close, and as I wonder which Twitter hashtags you’ll start using when I’m done talking–#sexyface–I ask all of you young people to join me. You don’t even have to put pants on. Go to and register right there."

And lo, #sexyface trended on Twitter:

Kal Penn's work here is done.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro delivered Tuesday’s keynote address.

via herapotter via


Except that his 3-year-old daughter, Carina, totally stole the show.

via The Atlantic Wire


For the grand finale, Michelle Obama had the audience weeping.

via herapotter via

via BobbyFinger

Including this man:

via The Atlantic Wire


Day 2

Olympic gold medal gymnast Gabby Douglas started the second night at the DNC with the Pledge of Allegiance.

via GifHound

The God's Appointed People Choir sang, and there was much rejoicing.

via The Atlantic Wire

via The Atlantic Wire


Then Bill Clinton entered to Fleetwood Mac, and spoke for 49 minutes. He said, “I want a man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama." (And then Michelle Obama probably did this:)

Hillary was pretty pumped, too.

via Gawker

He and Obama hugged it out.

via The Atlantic Wire


Day 3

The Foo Fighters and Mary J. Blige performed. There were many celebrities, including Ashley Judd, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Longoria. Gabby Giffords led the night’s Pledge of Allegiance, inspiring the crowd.

via The Atlantic Wire


Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm fired ‘em up with an epic fist pump.

via The Atlantic Wire


Shortly after 9 p.m., Joe Biden accepted the nomination for vice president.

via Wonkette

Obama closed down the DNC -- but not before getting a few pointers from Michelle.

via The Atlantic Wire

His family  looked pleased.


Obama -- you got this.

via The Atlantic Wire

By Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at

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