The Winklevoss twins became famous in the 2010 film "The Social Network," which depicted them as the co-founders of a social networking site, which Mark Zuckerberg may have stolen and turned into Facebook. The brothers took Facebook to court (a few times) and were awarded $65 million last year.
After becoming millionaires and Olympic athletes, the genetically perfect Winklevii founded Winklevoss Capital, a private investment firm in February. Their first investment? A social networking site. Some boys never forget their first crush.
But don't expect to be a member any time soon. The site, SumZero, is a research network for hedge funds, private equity firms and mutual funds. Of those who apply to join, 75 percent get negged. Divya Narendra, the brothers' partner in "The Social Network," is a co-founder of the firm, and now personally approves each application. He even rejected the Winklevii initially. Not ones to take no for an answer, the twins bought their way in, backing SumZero with $1 million.