Romneyland takes Manhattan

With three weeks to go, the campaign is storming New York City to replenish the coffers

Published October 14, 2012 2:00PM (EDT)

New York City has two roles in a presidential campaign: Democratic voter stronghold and bipartisan ATM.

Before Mitt Romney treks out to Long Island Tuesday for the second face-off with President Barack Obama, bold name Romney backers and big money donors will be gathering in Manhattan for a fall retreat. The Los Angeles Times reports that the program will include appearances by vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and the inevitable Donald Trump.

The event kicks off Monday with a gala for top donors at the Intrepid Museum, an aircraft carrier docked off the West Side Highway. There will also be a series of panels on campaign strategy with top campaign aides and donors at the Waldorf Astoria.

At a second panel on jobs, donors will hear from Continental Resources Chairman Harold Hamm, a major donor and key member of Romney's energy task force; Sun Microsystems co-founder Scott McNealy; financier Charles Schwab; and Jimmy John Liautaud, the CEO of a sandwich chain (who began his business in a garage, as Romney likes to tell voters during his stump speech).

After a panel entitled "Make the Difference" -- presumably focused on how donors will be asked to help in the final three weeks -- led by campaign finance director Spencer Zwick, guests will hear from Ann Romney and Tagg Romney at an afternoon lunch.


The Times reports that comedian Dennis Miller will appear at the debate-watching party Tuesday night at the Roseland Ballroom.

With just over three weeks until election day, the paper reported that the Obama campaign is poised to be the first to raise more than $1 billion while Romneyland will have to settle for about $900 million.

By Alex Halperin

Alex Halperin is news editor at Salon. You can follow him on Twitter @alexhalperin.

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2012 Elections 2012 Presidential Debates Mitt Romney New York City Paul Ryan