Joe Scarborough -- who called the 2012 election a "dead heat" on Twitter and mocked anyone who would predict how it would turn out -- has apologized to the man who correctly called every state for the second presidential race in a row.
In a column on Politico this morning, the "Morning Joe" co-host told Nate Silver he was sorry for doubting the methodology Silver uses on his fivethirtyeight blog.
"I do need to tell Nate I’m sorry for leaning in too hard and lumping him with pollsters whose methodology is as rigorous as the Simpsons’ strip mall physician, Dr. Nick. For those sins (and a multitude of others that I’m sure I don’t even know about), I am sorry," Scarborough wrote.
He added:
Politics is a messy sport. And just as ball players who drink beer and eat fried chicken in dugouts across America can screw up the smartest sabermatrician’s forecast, Nate Silver’s formula is sure to let his fervent admirers down from time to time. But judging from what I saw of him this morning, Nate is a grounded guy who admits as much in his book. I was too tough on him and there’s a 84.398264% chance I will be less dismissive of his good work in the future.