So this just happened on "Hardball" -- former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson, of the Simpson-Bowles commission, essentially called for anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist to slip and fall in the tub.
Norquist has said he wants a government small enough that it can drown in the bathtub.
Said Simpson:
"So how do you deal with someone who comes to stop government? ... Grover wandering the earth in his white robe saying he wants to drown government in the bathtub. I hope he slips in there with it."
Chris Matthews, in a new record, was left speechless for several moments.
And that wasn't even the strangest thing Simpson said in the interview. In a discussion of taxes and how the middle-class would end up on the short end, Simpson posed this question: "Who gets diddled the most?"
UPDATE: BuzzFeed now has the video.