Must-see morning clip: "SNL" mocks Senate gun control proposal

Jay Pharoah's Barack Obama proudly announces: "The Senate has agreed to think about talking about gun control"

Published April 14, 2013 1:12PM (EDT)


Gun control got the "Saturday Night Live" treatment this weekend.

First, a celebration of Congress from Jay Pharoah's Barack Obama:

"As you know, over the past few months, I have made gun control legislation a top priority for my administration. Which is why I am so proud to announce that last week, the Senate voted 68 to 31 to begin debating the idea of discussing gun control. Let me say that again: They've agreed to think about talking about gun control."

Next, a rundown of the proposed plan and its many virtues:

"Most Americans agree that we need stricter background checks. If our bill passes, no individual can purchase handguns from a private dealer without being asked: 'Are you a good person?' As well as the follow-up question: 'Seriously, are you?'"

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By Katie McDonough

Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at

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