"Sharknado" invades

Thursday night's SyFy television movie about sharks in a tornado took America by storm

Published July 12, 2013 1:24PM (EDT)

If you were out having a life and generally being a normal person last night, you might have missed the pop culture phenomenon known as "Sharknado." But if you were on Twitter, or anywhere near a TV, chances are good that you caught some of SyFy's B-rate movie about a tornado so powerful that it sucks great white sharks out of the ocean and dumps them into L.A., appropriately titled "Sharknado."

Here's a bit of what you missed:

Even Mia Farrow was hooked:

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It inspired "Star Trek" writer Damon Lindelof:

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TV critic Alan Sepinwall was taken by its brilliance:

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People tried to find meaning in it. What is it really about, anyway?

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Meaning aside, as Patton Oswalt notes, something in American television changed last night:

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Perhaps now we can look forward to Barknado:

(credit @HeyVeronica)

Or Starknado:

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Or, god forbid, Twerknado:

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And when this happens -- because it will -- we will have only Tara Reid ourselves to blame:

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If you missed it, behold the trailer, below:

By Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at pgupta@salon.com.

MORE FROM Prachi Gupta

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