Most disgusting reactions to Zimmerman acquittal

Conservatives celebrate, race-bait and taunt in the wake of news that Trayvon Martin's killer will walk free

Published July 14, 2013 2:29AM (EDT)

In the moments following the announcement of George Zimmerman being found not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin, conservative pundits and bloggers took to Twitter to gloat. Here is a small sampling of some of the hate, vindictiveness and poor taste flowing from the right tonight...


By Liam O'Donoghue

Liam O'Donoghue is Salon’s communications director. He writes about what’s happening at Salon and manages Salon’s social media assets. You can follow him on Twitter @Liam_Odonoghue.

MORE FROM Liam O'Donoghue

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