Ted Cruz unskews devastating new poll

A recent poll finds Republicans hemorrhaging support -- but Ted Cruz isn't worried

Published October 11, 2013 9:36PM (EDT)

  (Reuters/Jason Reed)
(Reuters/Jason Reed)

In a move reminiscent of the 2012 election's waning days, when Republicans insisted polls showing an Obama victory were "skewed," Ted Cruz on Friday dismissed a recent poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal showing the GOP rapidly losing support in the wake of the government shutdown.

Asked by a reporter what he thought of the poll (which showed Republicans being blamed for the shutdown by a margin of 22 points, among other findings) Cruz insisted that it was "not reflective of where this country is." The poll, argued Cruz, was "very heavily weighted with an awful lot of Democrats with an awful lot of Obama supporters and 20 percent of the people polled were government workers."

According to NBC, however, these weightings are consistent "with other polls and statistical data."

Watch Cruz unskew the poll here, via NBC News:

By Elias Isquith

Elias Isquith is a former Salon staff writer.

MORE FROM Elias Isquith

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