Comedy expert Laura Ingraham declares Sarah Silverman "unfunny"

The conservative commentator and comedy connoisseur thinks Silverman is a "degenerate" and "foul-mouthed slob"

Published January 24, 2014 5:41PM (EST)

A foul-mouthed degenerate who is not funny         (YouTube)
A foul-mouthed degenerate who is not funny (YouTube)

Laura Ingraham, a famous comedy expert, does not approve of Sarah Silverman's latest short in support of women's reproductive rights. In the clip, Silverman chats amicably with Jesus about safe abortion care and the charms of watching "NCSI."

All of which made Ingraham feel pretty mad. During a Thursday segment of her radio comedy show, Ingraham slammed "Sarah 'Unfunny' Silverman" as an out-of-touch celebrity who sits comfortably in her house in Santa Monica ("or wherever she lives") while Comedy Expert Ingraham's personal friends in Washington, D.C., experience minor cold weather-related discomfort while demonstrating en masse to deny women basic healthcare.

Comedy Expert Ingraham also called Silverman "a Nobel Prize winner" (sarcastically, of course) and a "degenerate, foul-mouthed, slob of  a person."

Take that, Sarah "Unfunny" Silverman. Case closed on your un-funniness.


You can watch Silverman be very unfunny while talking about reproductive justice here:

h/t Media Matters

By Katie McDonough

Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at

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