Just when it seemed like the camera-tipped vibrator might be the most unexpected new addition to the sex toy marketplace, Web giant Amazon has given us more options to consider. It's not news that the e-marketplace sells an array of adult playthings with two-day delivery options, but as the Daily Dot discovered, Amazon doesn't just limit sex toys to one department. Looking at the "Dog Toys" section of the site might offer a better idea of what I mean.
The plethora of brightly colored, mostly rubber "canine" accessories come in a variety of shapes and sizes, most of which appear as if they were designed more with human comfort in mind than anything else. To echo Mike Wehner at the Daily Dot, the Odd Stick, Roxxter and Goughnut Stick Maxx look like they would be more at home in the top drawer of one's bedside table than inside a beloved pet's mouth. Without trying to dig too deep into the implications of a global juggernaut thinly masking sex toys as dog-friendly treats, I will say this: Most of the products are much cheaper than your average dildo. Sex toys are expensive -- so dog toys might be worth considering (?).
Here are a few of the products: