Good morning, Time Warner customers: Internet's down!

Massive outages hit Time Warner customers nationwide; company says no sense yet of when service will return

Published August 27, 2014 11:27AM (EDT)

Massive Time Warner Internet outages are being reported nationwide this morning -- and on Twitter, the company reports no estimated time for service to be restored.

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According to ABC News:

Frustrated subscribers wrote about the situation online, making Time Warner a trending topic on Twitter.

“Nothing says good morning like a nationwide Time Warner Cable internet outage,” one person wrote on Twitter.

More than 11 million residents and companies across the United States subscribe to Time Warner Cable.

The web site, which tracks service outages, showed this spike in complaints during early morning hours on Wednesday.

Still no report on what might have caused the problem. We'll update the story as more news becomes available.

By Salon Staff

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