Here's "X-Men" brilliantly reimagined as a Wes Anderson film

If Wes Anderson had anything to do with it, the mutant world would look a whole lot quirkier.

Published March 4, 2015 2:10PM (EST)

  (Patrick (H) Willems)
(Patrick (H) Willems)

If Wes Anderson had anything to do with it, the mutant world of "X-Men" sure would look a whole lot quirkier.

YouTuber Patrick Willems has created a trailer for "Uncanny X-Men" in the signature style of Anderson. Kitschy design, easy-on-the-eyes composition, breezy soundtrack -- checks across the board.

The reimagining just goes to show that Anderson has been concocting the recipe for a perfect comic book adaptation this whole time. Uncanny.

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email

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