I love dogs. Dry dogs. Any kind. You name it! Dry Saint Bernards, dry pugs, dry Afghans, I love 'em all because I am a Dog Lover. That said, I am significantly less full of love when it comes to wet dogs. They are terrible and, somehow, 100% stinkier than dry dogs.
A new video from the American Chemical Society's Reactions series explains why wet dogs are so stinky.
That wet smell is from the microorganisms that live in your dog's fur like yeast and bacteria. These organisms excrete stinky volatile compounds. But if these compounds are always being produced in your pet, why does the bath make them stand out? When your dog gets wet, the water displaces and liberates these organic volatile molecules from the surface of the dog's fur allowing them to find their way right into your nose.
For more on dogs, how they smell and how we smell them, watch the video below: