Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is lashing out at President Barack Obama for his remarks on ISIS at the G7 Summit. The president said that "we don't yet have a complete strategy," a statement Perry attributed to Obama's "lack of executive experience."
The president has, of course, been presidenting the country for six years now, so it stands to reason that he has acquired some executive experience -- but Rick Perry is not the sort of presidential hopeful who would let reason stand in his way. In an interview with conservative radio host Dana Loesch, Perry confessed to having been "stunned" by the president's comments about ISIS.
Obama's remarks weren't actually stunning at all. The president simply said that the United States cannot, on its lonesome, have "a complete strategy" on ISIS "because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis." But to Perry's mind, that statement is a window into Obama's "mentality of the challenges that this country has -- he has a hard time connecting the dots."
Perry then starting "connecting the dots" himself, linking the president's policy on Libya, Iraq, and Israel in order to complain about how his inaction against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad created the conditions for ISIS to flourish -- even though if he had acted against the Syrian government, he would've allowed ISIS to advance its cause in Syria.
But these dots and the connections between them -- no matter how nonsensically opaque they may be -- are clearly important to Perry, as he immediately brought them up again. "It is this lack of really being able to connect the dots," Perry said. "I think it's a lack of executive experience that this president has, as well as a philosophical void when it comes to understanding what it takes to keep America safe."
Listen to the entire program via Right Wing Watch below.