Jeb Bush, icky and awkward: Jokes that Supergirl "looks pretty hot"

Who is your favorite Marvel superhero, Jeb?

By Sophia Tesfaye

Senior Politics Editor

Published October 22, 2015 1:52PM (EDT)

  (Reuters/Lucy Nicholson)
(Reuters/Lucy Nicholson)

Jeb just wants you to like him.

Unfortunately, he has an odd, and somewhat creepy way of going about persuading voters that he has a likable personality.

Who is your favorite Marvel superhero, the former Florida governor was asked during a Libre Institute forum in Las Vegas last night. Apparently voters care because Jeb said this was the second time he had been asked that question recently before revealing that he was no fan of the Ant-Man sequel but was interested in the Supergirl television show because the actress "looks pretty hot."

"I like watching the movies," Jeb told the Koch-funded Hispanic business group. "I wish I owned Marvel, as someone that believes in capitalism," he awkwardly added.

"I don't know, I'm kinda old school," he continued. "I like the old school guys like Batman, a little dark these days."

Ignore that Jeb clearly cannot denote between Marvel and DC Comics because one second later he dives into even more awkward territory.

"I saw that 'Supergirl' is on TV,” he began to joke, “I saw it when I was working out this morning. There's an ad promoting ‘Supergirl.’ She looked kind of -- she looked pretty hot."

"I don’t know what channel it’s on," he went on, "but I’m looking forward to that.”

Displaying some semblance of self awareness, Jeb then paused before adding, "that'll make news."

Watch Jeb awkwardly attempt to endear himself to potential voters with his Super Girl admission:

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By Sophia Tesfaye

Sophia Tesfaye is Salon's senior editor for news and politics, and resides in Washington, D.C. You can find her on Twitter at @SophiaTesfaye.

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