"Late Show" host Stephen Colbert on Wednesday argued that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's closed-door meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in Mexico City made the real estate mogul seem "presidential."
"There he was.... There was a podium and another president," Colbert said. "And you could really imagine him doing that again, but, like, with the training wheels off, y'know? The big-boy pants, the launch codes."
"The whole world," he continued, "saw Donald Trump doing something he has never done before — staying quiet while someone else was talking."
Colbert said he was "surprised, really, that Trump would go someplace so dangerous."
"I don't mean the drug gangs," he clarified. "I mean that people down there love hitting Trump-shaped piñatas. And this was their chance to find out if he's actually full of candy."