Donald Trump wants to be your hero: New ad says the GOP chicken hawk is "the only one who can" protect you

Hey, if Trump single-handedly wants to fight ISIS, he's more than welcome!

Published October 11, 2016 5:08PM (EDT)

 (Screengrab via YouTube)
(Screengrab via YouTube)

Like Liam Neeson and Steven Seagal, Donald Trump is convinced he can single-handedly take out terrorism.

Hyperbole? Sure. But that's literally straight from the chyron of Trump's own ad, "Dangerous," which tells users "Donald Trump will protect you. He is the only one who can." Those are strong words for a man who avoided serving in the military three times and who bad-mouthed veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

While clips play of terrorists running around — basically, straight out of "scare your constituent B-roll" — an ominous voice comes on to say that Hillary Clinton "doesn't have the fortitude" to make strategic decisions about where to send troops or how to negotiate. And Clinton can't, the ad says, because she coughed. And she fainted that one time she had pneumonia — and slipped on some stairs. As the ad says:

Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world. Iran promoting terrorism. North Korea threatening. ISIS on the rise. Libya and North Africa in chaos. Hillary Clinton failed every single time as secretary of state. Now she wants to be president. Hillary Clinton doesn't have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world. She failed as secretary of state. Don't let her fail us again.


The ad shouts what Trump has been alluding to since his nomination: He's playing the authoritarian strongman without ever having to actually prove he's strong. Next on the to-wear list: epaulettes. He has to have some gold ones lying around somewhere.

Watch the ad below:

By Jeremy Binckes

MORE FROM Jeremy Binckes

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