Another animal-centric holiday is upon us: National Puppy Day! Every March 23, we gather 'round to appreciate all that puppies do for us. They make us laugh, make us cry (happy tears) and make us unnecessarily break out the baby talk. Speaking of babies, they have all the best qualities of one without the diapers or possibility of growing up and asking us for money. Today, let's take a moment to remember why puppies bring us such joy. And if this list inspires you to get a pup of your very own, remember you can always adopt from a local shelter!
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National Puppy Day is upon us and here are your puppies
You've come to the right place for a generous helping of fluffy, pint-size pups
Published March 23, 2017 8:58AM (EDT)

By Jillian Kestenbaum
MORE FROM Jillian Kestenbaum