The same advertisers that fled Bill O'Reilly are sponsoring his Sean Hannity guest spot

Companies from ADT and Advil, to Wayfair and WeatherTech ditched O'Reilly, but seem happy to welcome him to Hannity

Published September 26, 2017 12:05PM (EDT)

Sean Hannity; Bill O'Reilly (AP/Carolyn Kaster/Getty/Ilya S. Savenok)
Sean Hannity; Bill O'Reilly (AP/Carolyn Kaster/Getty/Ilya S. Savenok)

Many of the same advertisers who pulled their sponsorship from Bill O'Reilly's show in the midst of sexual-harassment accusations against him are now, awkwardly, going to sponsor Sean Hannity while O'Reilly is appearing as a guest on his program Tuesday night.

list of companies that stopped sponsoring O'Reilly but will indirectly back him when he appears on Hannity's show on Tuesday was compiled by Media Matters. They include ADT, Advil, AncestryDNA, AstraZeneca, Bayer, CARFAX, GlaxoSmithKline, Hyundai, Invisalign, It's Just Lunch, Jenny Craig, Kerasal, LegalZoom, Lending Tree, Lumber Liquidators, Mitsubishi, Orkin, Pfizer, Progressive Insurance, Sanofi, Society for Human Resource Management, UNTUCKit, Wayfair and WeatherTech.

Allowing O'Reilly to appear on Hannity's show could compromise Fox News' attempt to purchase the London-based broadcaster Sky, according to Bloomberg. British authorities are currently reviewing Fox News' potential $15.8 billion acquisition, including a look at the company's controversial corporate culture.

O'Reilly's appearance on Hannity's show will be just one amidst many in a busy week for the Fox News host. He will also interview former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Tuesday, followed by interviews with House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday and radio host Rush Limbaugh on Thursday, according to Deadline.

O'Reilly's appearance on Hannity's show will mark the first time he has appeared on Fox News since being fired in April. At that time, he had been a host on the right-wing network for 21 years and continued to receive high ratings despite the ongoing sexual-harassment controversy. Since leaving the show, O'Reilly has focused on promoting one of his alternate history novels, "Killing England," as well as defending himself from the accusations against him.

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa was a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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