Donald Trump: Let's not ignore the real Puerto Rico victim

People are still dying in a lingering humanitarian crisis, but Donald Trump thinks he's treated unfairly

Published October 9, 2017 8:26AM (EDT)

 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Donald Trump played golf this weekend, as Puerto Rico endured yet another weekend without power or supplies, in what the territory's governor is describing as an "unprecedented catastrophe."

"There will be a humanitarian crisis," Gov. Ricardo Rosselló told CNN Sunday. "There will be a mass exodus to the United States." But those pleas aren't being heard by the man in the Oval Office.

On Saturday, Trump crowed about how much fun he had. In a televised interview on the Catholic-oriented Trinity Broadcast Network with Trump supporter Mike Huckabee — the father of press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — Trump described the jubilation behind the infamous picture of him throwing paper towels to hurricane survivors like they were T-shirts at a sporting event:

I mean, one example, they had these beautiful soft towels, very good towels, and I came in and there was a crowd of a lot of people and they were screaming and they were loving everything.

I was having fun, they were having fun, they said, "Throw them to me, throw them to me, Mr. President," and so I'm doing some of them, so the next day they said, "Oh it was so disrespectful to the people." It was just a made-up thing and also when they had, when I walked in the cheering was incredible.

Trump has also been incensed by the "fake news," which, by the way, he claimed he invented. That's why he recently Trump tweeted out an eight-minute video, produced at taxpayer expense, that was captioned, "Nobody could have done what I've done for #PuertoRico with so little appreciation. So much work!" The video's highlight, set to dramatic music, was the president handing out cans of tuna to people in slow-mo. Correction, the highlight was him handing out one can of tuna, in slow-mo.

As to what the president has done personally: Nearly half of Puerto Ricans don't have access to clean drinking water, according to the Washington Post. FEMA has also been hiding statistics that show how slowly the recovery has gone, according to the Washington Post. The military is now getting involved with logistical support in feeding residents, according to the Miami Herald.

By Jeremy Binckes

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Donald Trump Puerto Rico