Tomi Lahren slams Beyoncé, disturbs the Beyhive, gets stung

Takeaway: Never, ever mess with Queen Bey

Published December 6, 2017 12:09PM (EST)

Tomi Lahren; Beyonce (AP/Colin Young-wolff/Getty/Michael Kovac)
Tomi Lahren; Beyonce (AP/Colin Young-wolff/Getty/Michael Kovac)

Most people know well enough not to poke a beehive. Almost as many know not to do the same to the "Beyhive," the name coined for Beyoncé’s loyal fan base. Conservative media darling Tomi Lahren is apparently not one of those people.

Wednesday Morning, Lahren took to Twitter to bash a picture of Beyoncé presenting the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award to Colin Kaepernick. The award is given by the magazine to "individuals whose dedication to the ideals of sportsmanship has spanned decades and whose career in athletics has directly or indirectly impacted the world." Past honorees include Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Jack Nicklaus, Jim Brown and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The paring of the singer and the quarterback makes sense as the kneeling protests Kaepernick sparked across the NFL respectfully draw attention to racial inequality in the American justice system in general and to the killing of unarmed black people by police officers in particular, something Beyoncé has noted in both her songs and the visuals that often accompany them. The video for her 2016 song “Formation,” for instance, included a police cruiser sinking in a New Orleans flood.

In the vitriolic manner that’s become part of Lahren’s brand, she called Beyoncé “cop hating” and Kaepernick “cop and America hating,” taking the entire affair as a sign of how far America has "fallen."

This, in turn, awoke a swarm of fans from the hive and they hit Twitter, stingers out, to correct Lahren on the rationale behind Kaepernick’s protests and their queen's politics.

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Again, mess with the queen and you get stung. One might hope the talking head would learn her lesson here, but this is Tomi Lahren after all.

By Jarrett Lyons

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