Trump just fired back at the media for negative coverage of GOP tax plan in Twitter rant

Trump is angry that the media has been critical of the GOP's tax reform bill

Published December 20, 2017 11:45AM (EST)

 (Getty/Alex Wong)
(Getty/Alex Wong)

On Tuesday, Congress passed a tax cut bill that was really unpopular, but nonetheless meant that President Donald Trump's first year wouldn't be completely empty. Trump celebrated Wednesday morning by going on Twitter and complaining about the media.

Trump also posted a series of gloating tweets about his tax reform legislation the night before, after the House of Representatives and Senate both passed sweeping tax reform. The House will have to revisit the bill on Wednesday — a formality — due to modifications made by the Senate that they will need to approve.

While Trump may like to say that the media is harsh on the bill because of its affinity for "the defeated Dems," a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS found that 63 percent of Americans believe Trump and the Republican Party didn't do enough to reach out to Democrats while they were crafting the tax reform bill. Only 27 percent feel that they sought sufficient feedback from the other party.

The same poll found that 33 percent of Americans support the Republican tax reform plan while 55 percent oppose it. Thirty-seven percent said that they thought their families would be worse off after the tax reform legislation was passed, while only 21 percent thought they would be better off and 36 percent thought they would be about the same.

By contrast, 63 percent thought that Trump and his family would be better off once the law was passed, while 25 percent said he would be about the same and 5 percent thought he would be worse off. Seventy-three percent also thought that Trump should release his tax returns, whereas only 23 percent said he should not.

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa was a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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