Bill Maher: John Bolton “has experience with incompetence”

"He’s another one of those hawks…who never served in Vietnam," Maher said

By Nicole Karlis

Senior Writer

Published March 24, 2018 6:19AM (EDT)

 (Youtube/Real Time with Bill Maher)
(Youtube/Real Time with Bill Maher)

On Friday night, Bill Maher poked fun at the new National Security Adviser, John Bolton, who's set to replace H.R. McMaster.

“John Bolton came here, we talked to him. He’s another one of those hawks…who never served in Vietnam," Maher said. "The only person, by the way, in military history who was classified 4F because of his mustache. That’s very rare. But, you know, he was all gung-ho, John Bolton was, for the war in Iraq, wants now to mix it up big time with Iran and North Korea. He’s what they call an a**hole’s a**hole.”

He went on to say Bolton “has experience with incompetence”--referring to his tenure with the Bush administration.

Bolton is the third TV personality to join Trump’s ranks in the last couple weeks. CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow recently became Trump’s chief economic adviser, and on Monday Joseph E. diGenova, another frequent Fox News contributor, joined Trump’s legal team.


Bolton was an interesting choice to replace McMaster, but not surprising for Donald Trump to make to fill McMaster’s shoes. As a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, who once called to defund the U.N., Bolton has a reputation as a nationalist, a hawk, and a war-mongerer.

Maher made of fun him during his opening monologue, but didn't shy away from bringing it up again later during the show. Maher pointed out that it's "scary" how much Trump relies on Fox News. He continued to say:

“(Russian President Vladimir) Putin has state TV but Putin’s not an idiot, so state TV does what Putin wants. I think it’s the other way in this country. I think we’re being... America’s being run by Steve Doocy.”

“Republicans have to stop pretending they hate it when celebrities give their political opinions,” Maher continued.

Maher dismissed conservatives on Friday evening, but that isn't always the case. Maher has indeed attacked liberals on "Real Time with Maher." Last week he said Democrats are “to political courage what Velveeta is to cheese”.


Watch the clip below:

By Nicole Karlis

Nicole Karlis is an award-winning staff writer at Salon, specializing in health and science. She is also the author of the upcoming book "Your Brain on Altruism: The Power of Connection and Community During Times of Crisis."

MORE FROM Nicole Karlis

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