A bouquet of gorgeous, fresh flowers is sure to make just about anyone happy — and if you still need to pick out a gift for the mom in your life, you can get $40 of credit from Teleflora for just $20 today.
Even if you're located thousands of miles away from one another, you can rest assured that your mom will get these hand-arranged, artisan bouquets on time. Made by local florists located in the U.S. and Canada, Teleflora supports communities and small businesses — plus, all the arrangements are ready to be enjoyed immediately, without having to unpack unattractive wrapping materials.
There's a large selection for you to choose from, with flowers arranged by type or occasion — you can even shop from various guides. This deal includes a $40 credit to be used site-wide, excluding delivery/service fees.
Show your mom you're thinking of her this year: get $40 of credit to Teleflora for $20 when you order today.